Last updated: 10.27.2009
Please let us know of any change in patient’s status by e-mail to:
- Adi bat Orit – was diagnosed with AVM – Artherial Venial malformation in her brain
- Adide ben Rutie
- Adina bas Chaya Ella – an elderly woman who is ill
- Adina Bina Tzipora bas Minda Leah – recently had kidney transplant
- Adom Rafael ben Malka – a policeman injured a terrorist attack.
- Afrot bas Dayla – injured a terrorist attack.
- Aharon Akiva ben Chaya Sara
- Aharon ben Piyel – on life support after a car accident
- Aharon ben Sara
- Aharon Chanan ben Tzipporah Baylah – very ill
- Aharon Dovid ben Elisheva – a 9 month old in a coma
- Aharon Mattisyahu ben Brocha
- Aharon Mordechai ben Rochel – an infant diagnosed with cancer
- Aharon Shmuel ben Basya Leah
- Aharon Yaakov ben Chava Leah
- Aharon Yehuda Leib ben Gittel Feige
- Aharon Yosef ben Raizel Perl – a baby boy who had surgery
- Aharon Zev ben Esther
- Al ben Sarah Imainu, grandparent who was in a serious car accident
- Alexander Ya’akov ben Ariel injured a terrorist attack.
- Alicia bas Razel
- Aliza bas Esther
- Aliza Channa Devorah bat Malka – she is 12 years old suffering from cancer
- Aliza Sarah bas Leah injured in a car accident
- Alta Chaya Sora bas Ita
- Alte Bracha Miriam bas Chaya Rachel – a 28 year old girl with cancer
- Alter Avraham Chaim ben Chana – A great-grandfather,who has pneumonia and on a respirator
- Alter Avraham Yitzchak ben Shulamit. awaiting a heart
- Amit ben Ayala – a 7 year old boy who was hit by a car a week ago, and is still unconscious.
- Anat bas Gilah seriously injured in the terror attack in Adurah, is not recovered
- Areyeh Noam Chaim ben Devorah Chana – a 16 year old boy who is suffering from a brain tumor.
- Ari Refael ben Alte Chama – a 17 suffering from cancer
- Ariela bas Hadassa Tzivia – injured in last week’s bombing –
- Ariela Brocho bas Taila Shoshanna a baby who has a very seriouse illness
- Ariella Rivka bas Devora Pessel – 4 years old and suffered a seizure during a procedure
- Arik ben Orit – a chasan with Hodgkin’s disease
- Asael Yonah ben Rachel and Avia bas Rachel – the children of Rachel Shabo, a”h
- Assaf ben Adina
- Assaf ben Batya, the paramedic who stopped the bomber; is in serious condition,
- Avi ben Sima – injured in the bombing at Café Rimon
- Avi Meir ben Chana
- Avigail bas Yonina – a little girl who had heart surgery
- Avigail Rochel bat Rena Chana Rochel
- Avigayil bas Na’ava (4 yrs old) victim of terror
- Avital bas Ludmilla
- Avraham ben Bluma – they found cancer cells in his colon
- Avraham ben Chaya – 44 year old man who had a stroke
- Avraham ben Esther
- Avraham ben Java
- Avraham ben Marga
- Avraham ben Rachel
- Avraham ben Sulha
- Avraham Chay ben Shoshana – victim of terror
- Avraham Dovid ben Yaffa
- Avraham Elazar ben Hasiba, a new immigrant alone in Israel
- Avraham Meir ben Rachel
- Avraham Pinchas ben Rochel Leah
- Avraham Rephael Eliyav ben Tzipporah Meryl – 20 years old in renal failure
- Avraham Shmuel ben Chaya Raizel – running tests
- Avraham Shmuel ben Raizel: young father with inoperable brain tumor
- Avraham Sholom ben Sarah Breindel
- Avraham Yitzhak Alter ben Shulamit – he is awaiting heart transplant
- Ayala Lilach bas Ruth Rita – a young child with a brain tumor
- Baruch ben Berta – second round of chemo
- Baruch ben Rachel
- Baruch ben Rella – a prominent Rav who has been in and out of the hospital recently.
- Baruch ben Varda injured a terrorist attack.
- Baruch Chaim ben Yehudit. – a young man undergoing brain surgery
- Baruch Pesach ben Chana
- Baruch Refael ben Miriam
- Bas Sheva bas Esther Sheindel Yaffa
- Bas Sheva bas Sheindel Golda – from New Square. victim of terror Her mother and 3 months old baby brother were killed
- Basya Eliana bas Yehudit
- Batsheva Braindel bas Esther Sarah, a young mother who had her 4th ceasarean today and in ICU
- Batya bas Miriam
- Bayla bas Fruma
- Bayla Bracha bas Esther
- Beerit Chana bas Orit – twin girls born to Orit bas Danielle
- Ben-Zion ben Kaylah
- Ben-Zion ben Leeba – 3 and half years old he was hit by a car
- Ben-Zion Eliyahu ben Liba Leah – A father of 11, had an Aneurysm during Shachris
- Ben-Zion Yechiel Michal ben Yaffa – His cancer has suddenly spread to his kidney, lung & brain.
- Beshalom Yosef ben Shlomit – injured in a jet skiing accident. In critical condition
- Bessa Feiga bas Esther Malka
- Bezalel Menachem Mendel ben Perel
- Binyamin ben Devorah Chaya
- Binyomin ben Miriam Fayga
- Binyomin ben Susan – He is not well and they are trying a new treatment.
- Binyomin Shalom ben Henya Fayga – critically ill
- Boaz ben Yefet, – was shot near the entrance to Ateret
- Bobe Ester bas Rivka Golda
- Boruch ben Berta
- Bracha bas Baila
- Bracha Channah Rivka bas Sora Bayla –
- Bracha Eta bas Masha – a lady with cancer of the eusophagus, stomach and lungs.
- Bracha Fayga bas Shaindel
- Bracha Naomi Gittel bas Chassida Michal – 4-year old with Leukemia in need of a bone marrow transplant.
- Brachah bas Bela Tzipora
- Breindel bas Maryam
- Brucha bas Chaya
- Bryna Leah bas Shaindel
- Chagit bas Ruth – a very ill 14 year old
- Chaim ben Dinah
- Chaim ben Esther Rochel
- Chaim ben Gusa – beginning treatment for prostate cancer
- Chaim ben Mina Leah – early fifties, with a degenerative disease MSA – Multi System Atrophy
- Chaim ben Riva – prostate cancer
- Chaim ben Sarah
- Chaim ben Tziona Tzionit who is a tiny baby diagnosed with a rare disease
- Chaim David Ezekiel ben Etta Leah
- Chaim Dovid Moshe ben Rivka – was shot in the stomach
- Chaim Gavriel ben Yehudis – brain tumor
- Chaim Pinchas ben Elisheva – cancer
- Chaim Yehudah Shmuel ben Sarah Miriam
- Chaim Yisroel ben Shprintza
- Chana bas Chaya
- Chana bas Esther – the sole survivor of the helicopter crash
- Chana bas Esther Sheindel – she is 94 and has cancer.
- Chana bas Golda
- Chana bas Masauda Lydia – car accident
- Chana bas Naomi Leah – injured a terrorist attack.
- Chana Chansha bas Etel,
- Chana Chassia bas Etta – tumor on the brain
- Chana Esther bas Tova – undergoing surgery
- Chana Gila bas Sarah
- Chana Gitel bas Chaya Bracha – an 11 year old girl who is very ill
- Chana Goldie bas Edith Bessy
- Chana Leah bas Hindeh Sara
- Chana Liora bas Hinda Chasha Chava – little girl of 2 who has just been diagnosed with cancer
- Chana Rivka bas Fayga Chaya – recently diagnosed with lymphoma
- Chana Shifra bas Bracha Perel, victim of terror
- Chana Tobe bas Fanni
- Chana Tova bas Pesha, (Sabaaro) never regained consciousness, and remains comatose to this day
- Chanan Alter ben Golda – he has advanced colon cancer
- Chanan ben Sora
- Chanan Yosel ben Chaya Yocheved
- Chananya Yom Tov Lipa ben Etel
- Chanoch ben Yehudit – an Israeli solider injured in Jenin
- Chanon ben Mindel – a man in his forties with colon cancer
- Charles ben Sorah – suffered a brain hemmorage
- Charlie Shalom ben Denis – a young father of three in Israel, injured in a severe traffic accident
- Chasha Riva bas Chana
- Chasiah bas Chaya Sara – to continue to have good health
- Chassa Chaya Basha bas Shoshana
- Chasya Henya Mirell bas Feiga Riva – a young mother seriously injured in a car accident
- Chava Alta Chaya bas Devorah Raizel – a 20 year old girl who fell and is now in a coma.
- Chava Ariel bas Chanah – a 10 year old child having surgery
- Chava bas Sivya Tamar – A young newly married woman with a form of Lymphoma.
- Chava Chaya bas Malka Chana – had open heart surgery this week
- Chava Odelia bas Ziva in critical condition, injured in bombing
- Chaya Avital bas Michal
- Chaya bas Esther Chana
- Chaya bas Gitel – suffering from Breast Cancer
- Chaya Blima bas Miriam
- Chaya Chassa Basha bas Shoshana
- Chaya Devora Leah bas Feige who has been diagnosed with throat cancer
- Chaya Etel bas Rochel
- Chaya Hinda bas Adina
- Chaya Leah bas Duba
- Chaya Meirav bas Sarah – a young mother of 6 underwent brain surgery
- Chaya Miriam Rivka bas Rochel
- Chaya Mushka bas Chava Elka
- Chaya Riva bas Malka Brayner
- Chaya Rivka bas Sarah Baila
- Chaya Shlomit Esther bas Mimi
- Chaya Yaffa Henna Yenta bas Rivka
- Chaya Zelda bas Yeta
- Chaya Zohara bas Aviva
- Cherut bas Livant – 5 years old, who was injured when her father was murdered in a terrorist attack.
- Chesya Yetta bas Temma Ettel – a four-month-old with a brain tumor
- Chezkiyahu Tzvi Ben-zion ben Feiga Perel
- Daliah Yaelah bas Rachamah – 5 months pregnant and some complications with the baby
- Daniel Aharon ben Yentl – father of two who has been diagnosed with metastatic cancer.
- Daniel ben Ora (6 yrs old), victim of terror
- Daniel ben Sarah Imeinu seriously injured in Adurah when his wife was murdered
- Daniel Sapir ben Yehudis Leah – a 14 year old boy who was hit by a car
- Daniel Shmuel ben Shoshanah – he is battling esophageal cancer
- Daniel Zalman ben Faige
- Daniella bas Bracha – recently had a relapse of a serious illness
- David ben Carol
- David ben Chava, victim of terror
- David ben Esther
- David ben Sebjie
- David ben Shoshana
- David ben Yaroslava – is suffering from disseminated sclerosis
- David Isser ben Malka
- David Meyer ben Zelata – a 50 year old man, father of 4 who is having heart surgery
- David Shlomo ben Miriam
- David Tzvi ben Alka Devorah
- Dekla Chana bas Dalya – injured in a car accident
- Devora Miriam bas Raizel
- Devorah bas Chana – her lymphoma may be out of remission
- Devorah bas Perel – a toddler diagnosed with cancer
- Devorah bas Sara Eta
- Devorah Bas Yenta
- Devorah Daniella bas Carol – diagnosed recently with advanced cancer
- Devorah Dina bas Malka
- Devorah Tcherna bas Shulamis Asirya
- Dina bas Leah
- Dov ben Malka, who was injured in a shooting near his home.
- Dov Ber Raphael ben Sara – close to 80 he was beaten during a mugging last week and is in ICU
- Dvir ben Chana Dvora – injured in Eretz Yisroel
- Dvir Nissan ben Esther – boy who was shot by terrorists near Ofrah
- Edna bas Yona – 35 years old, and has two young children – cancer and will start chemo soon.
- Efraim Meir ben Malka Gittel – cancer
- Efraim Mordechai ben Fradel Rena – a 20 year old bachur recently diagnosed with a brain tumor
- Eitan ben Hi-Li Bracha – born two months ago, with a Septal Defect (known as a “hole”) in his heart.
- Elazer David ben Esther
- Elchanan Avraham ben Mari Blumah
- Elchonon ben Ora (6 weeks old), victim of terror
- Eli ben Dalia, 16, injured in the March 2nd attack in Beis Yisrael, is still in a coma.
- Eliezer ben Devora Ita, a 30 yr. old father of four children who has been kidnapped
- Eliezer ben Etel
- Eliezer ben Miriam
- Eliezer Chaim ben Dvora, a plumber from Emanuel who is the father of a large family,
- Eliezer Moshe ben Shulamit – a 10 year old boy recently diagnosed with cancer.
- Eliezer Yechiel ben Baila
- Eliezer Yehonotan ben Tamar – a 20 year old recently diagnosed with advanced lung cancer
- Eliezer Zusia ben Nechama
- Elisheva bas Miriam – mother of 3 with a brain tumor
- Elisheva Rivka bas Sarah
- Eliyahu ben Libb’e – complications after a kidney transplant
- Eliyahu Jaim ben Feride
- Eliyahu Leon ben Chana, a teenager from Emanuel, remains in serious condition.
- Elka bas Chaya Sara
- Elkah bas Pessia – recovering from hip replacement and heart surgery.
- Emilia bas Paulina
- Ephraim Meir ben Malka Gittel needs a lot of Tefillos
- Eran ben Sima – critically injured in the bombing at Café Rimon
- Esther bas Ana, a young girl with cancer
- Esther bas Chaya Charna – 2 1/2-week-old premature infant who is very sick
- Esther bas Na’ava (6yrs old) victim of terror
- Esther bas Natalie
- Esther Bracha bas Sonia – She is a 12th grader just diagnosed with a lump in her chest
- Esther Chaya Sarah bas Etti Libby – breast cancer
- Esther Rivka bas Chana Mindel had surgery this week – please keep her in mind
- Esther Sharon bas Chana Raizel
- Etah bas Sarah
- Etel bas Leah – a mother of young children who has broken her back
- Etel bas Sarah
- Etel Devorah bas Toba Freida – she has cancer
- Etti bas Ita Rachel – breast cancer
- Eugine ben Gretta
- Eva Miriam bas Zohara Jacqueline
- Eyal ben Dina – in a coma after a car accident
- Eyal ben Luba. ~ from the Meron bus bombing. He was left blind and deaf
- Ezra ben Chana – he is 18 and in a coma after being hit by a car
- Ezra ben Nizha
- Ezra Jaim ben Rajel
- Faiga bas Kayla
- Faiga bas Sarah – dementia
- Faiga Gittel bas Sara Leah
- Faiga Pesha bas Golda Rachel suffering from multiple sclerosis, blind
- Faiga Rifka bas Chipa Gita
- Fany bas Tanya
- Felix ben Bahie
- Fishel Pinchas ben Lifshe
- Fortuna bas Bedrie
- Fraide Tzeral bas Rochel – pregnancy complications
- Fraydel bas Chana
- Freida bas Genya
- Freme Ruchama bas Leike
- Frimit Yehudit bas Dvorah
- Gad Aharon ben Tzipporah Devora. – little boy who has been in need of a bone marrow transplant
- Gavriel ben Dina – he has a malignant brain tumor
- Gavriel Moshe ben Ora Yehudit – a 9 year old boy recently diagnosed with leukemia
- Gershon Dov Ber ben Freida
- Gershon Naftali ben Esther Faiga
- Gidon Dov ben Yehudis an 18 year old boy with a 2nd bout with cancer.
- Gila bas Shoshana – a young married girl suffering from SUSAC disease.
- Gittel Miriam bas Bryna Leah
- Gladis Zulema Victoria bas Amelia
- Hadar bas Sarah – the Israeli guard in Afula who was injured during an attack
- Hadassa bas Feeby
- Hadassa Chana bas Sara Risha – a six year old with CF who is not doing well.
- Hadassah bas Leah – a young girl who was injured in an amusement park – in very critical condition
- Hallel Nissan bas Orit
- Hamutal bas Tzila, was moderately injured shooting attack by terrorists
- Hayim ben Miriam
- Henna Kaila bas Etah
- Henna Kaila bas Etel
- Henya bas Miriam
- Henya Gittel Miraim bas Bryna Leah
- Hodel Shmuela bas Sara Chana – a young mother and the only surviving child battling cancer.
- Ilan Zecharia ben Chaya – hit by a drunken driver last week and had emergency brain surgery.
- Ilana Helena bas Dvora, from Elon Moreh – was seriously wounded at the bus stop outside Ariel
- Ionatan ben Roitel
- Iosef ben Afife
- Ita Malka bas Feiga Leah
- Ititel Chisdai ben Elisheva
- Itzjak Iejezkel ben Sara
- Jaia Sofia bas Alba
- Jaim Imanuel ben Debora
- Janet bas Millia
- Josef ben Shula
- Joshua ben Sarah
- Karen bas Miriam
- Karen Yehudit bas Bracha
- Kasriel Shmuel ben Rochel
- Kayla Chaya bas Shaindle Malka
- Kayla Menucha bas Ita – serious spine surgery
- Kaylah bas Basha
- Keli bas Gila
- Khatoon bas Naima
- Lazar Yaakov ben Shaindel – a five month old baby with a rare illness
- Lea bas Chana
- Lea bas Yemile
- Leah bas Aliza
- Leah bas Chava and her daughter
- Leah bas Esther
- Leah bas Zipporah
- Leah Brucha bas Ruchel
- Leah Gittel bas Fruma Perel
- Leah Rina bas Rivka
- Leah Sara bas Chana, an older couple from New York, who were in Israel
- Leah Sarah bas Brucha
- Leibish Reuven ben Rochel Tcherka – major surgery this week
- Leora Chasiya bas Yehudit
- Levi Yitzchak ben Sara
- Lili bas Gila
- Lior ben Esther, age 27, wounded in Neve Yaacov terrorist attack receiving a bad leg wound
- Lital Bas Ronit – a young woman diagnosed with cancer while pregnant.
- Maira bas Devorah
- Malka bas Hannah and Eliyahu ben Avraham – that all things should be well.
- Malka bas Neomi – hoping to conceive
- Malka bas Shulamit
- Malka Chana bat Rachel Rut a young woman, with metastasized lung cancer,
- Malkiel ben Ester – prostate cancer
- Margalit Shoshana bas Rachel Chasida
- Marina bas Alla
- Maryam bas Leibe
- Masha Leah bas Sarah Tsiryl who has been diagnosed with lung cancer.
- Matanya ben Sarah, victim of terror
- Mattisyahu ben Nechama
- Mattisyahu Benyamin ben Rochel Leah
- Mazal bas Alice
- Meir ben Gila (6yrs old) victim of terror
- Meir Dovid ben Mala Faiga being removed
- Meir Moshe ben Draizel Mierka – needs a refuah
- Meir Zev ben Rachel Leah
- Meirav ben Ora (7 yrs old), victim of terror
- Menachem ben Rochel
- Menucha Brocha bas Ilana – an 18 month old with cancer
- Merril bas Rivka
- Mesodi bas Frecha
- Micha’el Gershon ben Chava – very critical matzav
- Michah ben Hadassah, was injured when a mine blew up near his leg while doing reserve duty
- Michal bas Yael – 13 year old girl just diagnosed with a malignant tumor in her brain
- Mindel Pessie bas Serenna Menucha: a young mother, just post mastectomy
- Mirel bas Zelda
- Miriam bas Shoshana Bayla
- Miriam bas Shulamit
- Miriam bas Tilly – 100 years old (bli ayin hara) and just broke her
- Miriam bas Yaffa
- Miriam bas Zohara
- Miriam Bluma bas Rachel
- Miriam Channa bas Simcha Chiah – she was in a car accident and could not feel one of her legs.
- Miriam Chaya bas Freida -seriously injured in the Sbarro bombing in which she lost her mother
- Miriam Rivka bas Rochel is now Chaya Miriam Rivka bas Rochel
- Mirrele bas Rivka
- Mordechai ben Alta Chashka–he had a stroke and is not doing well
- Mordechai ben Chaya Shaina Suffering from: “Incurable” Lymphoma
- Mordechai ben Shaltant – He has a bullet lodged by his kidneys. He is in ICU
- Mordechai Yermeeyahu ben Sara- He is having open heart surgery
- Mordejai ben Rajel
- Mordichai ben Lea Shulamit Brayne
- Moshe ben Alexandra – A 17 year old boy in intensive care. Very badly burned.
- Moshe ben Fibi and Aviah bat Tamar – father and daughter badly burned last week
- Moshe ben Menya Nesha
- Moshe ben Menya Nesha
- Moshe ben Pnina – had surgery this week
- Moshe ben Rachel – injured a terrorist attack.
- Moshe ben Rivka
- Moshe Chaim ben Baila Shayna Shifra – 2 year old with a heart defect who is very sick
- Moshe Chaim ben Hadassah Yetta Pesha (14 yrs old and in wheelchair)
- Moshe Dovid ben Chaya Baila, a twelve year old boy
- Moshe Mordechai ben Lea Shulamit Braine
- Moshe Mordechai ben Shulamit Breinah – 9 year old in critical condition
- Moshe Pascal ben Rachel
- Moshe Yaakov ben Yuta –
- Moshe Yerachmiel ben Raizel
- Moshe Yeshayahu ben Sara – an eight year old diagnosed with a brain tumor
- Moshe Yosef ben Golda Chana – his heart is failing
- Moshe Yosef ben Malka Brayner
- Moshe Yoseph ben Shayneh Sara
- Na’ava bas Ne’ima victim of terror
- Nacha Baila bas Yehudis Leah ~ 6years old in intensive care with pnemonia and complications:
- Nachman ben Chaya – recovering from bypass surgery on his thigh.
- Nachum ben Chana – suffered a stroke
- Naftali ben Shaina
- Naftali Hertz ben Esther Malka – he had a minor heart attack
- Naftali Yaakov ben Shifra Shaula
- Naomi Amelia bas Isabel Simbol
- Natan ben Bazehto – a Border Guard critically injured
- Nechama Leah Michal bas Ester Raizel is on a respirator & will be getting a lung transplant
- Nechama Ofra bas Leah – cancer
- Nechama Sarah Chana bas Basha Rochel
- Nehama Faigel Shoshana bas Rochel – a young girl who has been diagnosed with a brain tumour
- Neria Zimra Shlomit bas Jaffa – diagnosed once again with cancer
- Nesanel ben Shoshana victim of terror
- Nesha Sarah bas Mara Devorah Simcha – a new born with cysts in her lung
- Netanel Yaakov ben Devorah Yehudit, 16, whose skull was fractured
- Noach Yehuda Areya ben Yeuhudis Ariella – suffering from blood cancer
- Noam Chen bat bas Ayelet 2 year old
- Noam Yair Yeshaya ben Shoshana – newborn born with a hole in his heart
- Nosson ben Yehudis Baila – had surgery last week for a brain tumor
- Nosson Emenuel ben Nechama Chana
- Odelia Chaya bas Gita Sarah – a four year old with a brain tumor who had surgery last week
- Ora bas Chava victim of terror
- Orit bas Daniela – she is pregnant and has been diagnosed with lymphoma
- Orit bas Meri from Beit Chaggai, was shot in the hand while driving with her small children.
- Orli bas Ora (5 yrs old), victim of terror
- Paulina bas Bedfra
- Penina bas Miriam
- Perel bas Devora – 50 yr old mother of four with a serious recurrance of cancer.
- Perel bas Neitcher Chana
- Perel bas Rivkah has greatly improved being removed
- Perel Brainah bas Rina Dvorah
- Peretz ben Elkah – having open heart surgery
- Peretz ben Ettel Dina
- Perlina bas Juana
- Pesach Peretz ben Tzivia
- Pinchas ben Malka
- Rachel bas Hadasah
- Rachel bas Malka
- Rachel bas Tsila – a young woman who fell off a roof in Tzefas
- Rafael Binyamin Elimelech ben Shoshana Raizel Sarah
- Rafael Shachman ben Bessie – diagnosed two months ago with stage 4 lung cancer
- Rafael Yitzchak Dovid ben Chana Leah
- Raisel bas Masha is Reesel bas Masha Slava
- Raizil bas Chaya Dvoira
- Ram ben Brana Beatriz
- Refael Alta Ben Zion Ben Kayla
- Refael Chaim Zev ben Rachel
- Refael Chaim Zev ben Rachel – in critical condition
- Refael Michael Yitzchak ben Nechama Sarah -, 22 year old has cystic fibrosis and is very,sick.
- Refael Yisroel Yackov ben Chedva Rivka Fraidel is a 5-yr-old who is not doing well
- Refael Yitzchak David ben Chana Leah
- Reuven Tuvia ben Miriam Brina
- Rifka Rena Nistara Ester bas Nahora Malya Faiga Gittel – injured in the last bus bombing
- Rina Altah bas Tanya Michal –
- Rina bas Tzilla – an infant girl with major complications
- Rina Shira bas Masal
- Riva bas bas Sheva
- Rivka bas Hinda Alta – colon cancer
- Rivka bas Perel – having further chemotherapy.
- Rivka bas Tziril
- Rivka Leah bas Mindel
- Rivkah bas Menucha – leukemia
- Rochel bas Churia, who was injured in one of the Emanuel bus attacks, is undergoing surgery
- Rochel bas Leah ~ receiving from Cornea transplant but who has rejected many times
- Rochel Chana bas Sharona Miriam – she is suffering from a recurrence of Hodgkins
- Rochel Chava bas Pesyah – an elderly woman with Parkinson’s
- Rochel Esther bat Batya Malka
- Rochel Hanna bas Carmen
- Rochmiel Yosef Rachamim ben Mariyasha Rochel
- Rossete bas Alice
- Ruchama bas Rivka – 10 days old, born with a missing valve in her heart
- Ruchama Chana Brocha bas Chasya Henya Mirell – her daughter – injured in the same accident
- Ruchama Leah Taiby bas Rut Faige
- Ruchama Naomi Reena bas Bracha Leah
- Ruchama No’omi bas Chava
- Ruchama Rachel bas Tamar. a young single woman with ovarian cancer and a tumor in her stomack
- Ruchama Rivka bas Bracha – a 10th grader with Leukemia
- Ruchel bas Kaylah
- Rujama Zelja bas Aliza
- Rus Miriam ben Gittel
- Rut bas D’yamonti
- Ruth bas Beatrice – cancer
- Ruth bas Dina
- Ruth Shoshana bas Esther
- Sabrina Serena bas Ana Raquel
- Sagi ben Chava – injured in Shavei Shomron
- Samantha bas Bracha
- Sara Aidel bas Rivka
- Sara bas Alter
- Sara bas Blima – breast cancer
- Sara bas Bruria – a Jewish girl who has been involved with missionaries
- Sara bas Chaya
- Sara bas Faiga
- Sara Chana bas Beila, a mother of 4 with severe breathing problems, lung collapsed
- Sara Leah bas Chana
- Sara Penima bas Devorah Zelda – a 4 month old baby who has meningitis and Pneumonia
- Sara Yitta bas Dina
- Sarah bas Chana
- Sarah bas Chaya
- Sarah bas Devora
- Sarah bas Pat
- Sarah bas Rachel – a 10 year old with sever migraines which are causing vision problems
- Sarah bas Rivka – intensive care
- Sarah bas Sarah Imeinu
- Sarah Chana bas Mariyasha
- Sarah Malka bas Chaya Devorah –the cancer has returned she is having surgery
- Sarah Yitah bas Leah – a high school senior with throat cancer
- Shabsi ben Chaya Rivka who has a brain tumour
- Shaina Miriam bas Elka Yocheved – injured in the shooting in Yerushalayim
- Shaindel bas Chaya
- Shaindel bas Rivka Chana – for what we refer to as yishuv hadaas
- Shaindel bas Shifra – cancer
- Shalom ben Chaya Mirel Yitta
- Shalom ben Tamara
- Shalom Dov Ber ben Rachel
- Shalom Simchah ben Rivkah
- Shalom Yosef ben Malka Golda
- Sharon ben Gila – A 22 year old boy. He has only use of one hand.
- Sharona Rivka bas Rina Yehudit
- Shayna bas Bayla – she has lymphoma
- Shayna bas Yitta
- Shayna Chaya bat Etta Leah, mother and grandmother, who had heart surgery
- Shayna Rochel bas Devorah
- Shelo Semion ben Feiga
- Shemuel Daniel ben Elisheva Rachel
- Sheva Hentcha bas Rochel
- Shifra bas Gila (9 yrs old) – victim of terror
- Shifra bas Rivka
- Shimon ben Ruchama
- Shimon David ben Zelda – injured in car accident
- Shimon Wolf ben Freida Esther
- Shira bas Galit – three year old who was injured in a shooting attack
- Shira bas Ora (18 months old) victim of terror
- Shira bat Miriam
- Shira Leah bas Soro – a child who had orthopedic surgery
- Shira Tova bas Sara Gutka – a young mother who recently had a stroke
- Shirit bas Chemda – they were both shot this week in Shavei Shomron
- Shlomo Aryeh Leib ben Rochel Feiga -15 year surgery for a blood clot in his brain
- Shlomo ben Gertzel – injured in the attack in Netanya had his right hand and foot amputated.
- Shlomo ben Helen – hurt in a car crash in Israel
- Shlomo ben Heschl
- Shlomo ben Miriam, age 30, wounded in the Meah Shearim bombing [lost one hand below the elbow
- Shlomo ben-Zion ben Freyda – a young father recently diagnosed with AHS –
- Shlomo Menachem ben Liba Kraindel
- Shlomo Menachem ben Liba Kraindel
- Shlomo Tzvi ben Brocha
- Shmarya Yosef Chaim ben Pesha Miriam
- Shmaya ben Basya Gittel – a young father of 12 with heart trouble
- Shmuel ben Devora
- Shmuel ben Faige – he has heart problems, and they suspect that he also has cancer
- Shmuel ben Rachel
- Shmuel ben Raizel – brain tumor
- Shmuel ben Tila – He is suffering from Bladder cancer
- Shmuel Tuvia ben Hentshe
- Shmuel Yisroel Chaim ben Yocheved Ahuva – 18 yrs. old, and suffering with Lung Cancer
- Shmuel Yudel ben Faiga
- Shoshana bas Chana – suffering with gangrene in her leg
- Shoshana bas Ettel
- Shoshana bas Fanny
- Shoshana bas Miriam Pesa
- Shoshana Malka bas Avraham Avinu – inoperable tumor
- Shoshana Raizel bas Matel
- Shoshana Raizel bas Chana Shifra (5 months old), victim of terror
- Shoshana Raizel Yittel bas Rivka
- Shoshana Yehudis bas Frayda Perel
- Shraga Feivel Aryeh Leib ben Chava Rashka – had a stroke
- Shulamis bas Chayoh Bunoh
- Shulamis bas Nina
- Sima bas Henya – Mother of the 16yrs old girls who was killed victim of terror
- Simcha Baila bas Chaya – suffering from breast cancer
- Simcha bas Monique, and Hila bas Rachel – both injured in a drive by shooting
- Simcha ben Chana Perl
- Simcha Binyamin ben Esther Miriam.
- Simcha Moshe ben Basya – a husband and father of 7 in his early 40’s diagnosed with cancer
- Sinai ben Shoshanna – was in the Moment café bombing, has shrapnel all over his body.
- Sora Aidel bas Rivka
- Sora bas Perel – she was hit by a car Monday night, has two broken legs,
- Sorah bas Rasha
- Sorah bas Rivka
- Stella bas Bracha
- Talya Baila bas Tzipporah – a 3 1/2 year old with cancer.
- Tamara bas Hinda – a young girl with cancer
- Tikva Amal bas Nema –
- Tinoch ben Bat Zion
- Tinok ben Tzippora Rachel – a premie who needs our Tefillos
- Tinokes bas Batsheva Braindel is also in intensive care with a bacterial infection.
- Tinokes bas Leah
- Toba Feige bas Bracha
- Tobah Freida bas Golda
- Tova bas Chana Bayla
- Tova Bas Devorah
- Tova bas Pessiah
- Tova Gittel bas Soroh Rivka
- Tzeela bas Chana Perel-She was just diagnosed with cancer and a very skeptical prognosis.
- Tzila bas Rina who was seriously wounded in last night’s shooting attack by terrorists.
- Tzipora bas Tehiya- injured in an Arab attack in which she lost her mother. Paralyzed from the waist down.
- Tziporah bas Chana
- Tziporah bas Chaninah – mother of nine diagnosed with emphazema
- Tzivia bas Shoshana Baila
- Tzivia Shira Ahuva bas Tzipora -an infant contracted virus at birth in very serious condition
- Tzodoik ben Rivka Hinda
- Tzvi Aron ben Chana Raizel – undergoing tets for blurred vision
- Tzvi ben Fayga – a 77 yr suffering from coughing and seizures
- Tzvi ben Fraidel
- Tzvia Zalda bas Eta
- Uri Chaim Yosef ben Devorah
- Uriel ben Rajel
- Uriel ben Tamar – a five year old boy hit by a car this week.
- Usher Anshil ben Chaya Roiza
- Velvel ben Dora
- Villya bas Feiga
- Ya’akov Yisroel ben Elisheva Rachel (5yrs old) victim of terror
- Ya’ir ben Elisheva Rachel (7 yrs old) victim of terror
- Yaacov ben Geula – heart valve replacement
- Yaacov Yosef ben Chya Leah
- Yaakov ben Chana
- Yaakov ben Chava who has had a stroke
- Yaakov ben Devorah Nira victim of terror
- Yaakov Berel ben Miriam Esther.
- Yaakov Lieber ben Sarah Rochel
- Yaakov Moishe ben Sarah
- Yaakov Simcha ben Chaya Rochel
- Yaakov Yosef ben Chaya Chana
- Yackov Aryeh ben Chaya Rivkah – injured in a car accident
- Yacova Shoshana bas Sheini –
- Yael bas Edna
- Yael Yehudis Sara bas Sima- a young woman was recently diagnosed with a serious illness
- Yaffa Beila bas Perel – recently diagnosed with breast cancer
- Yair ben Rivka
- Yakira Rina bat Feiga Bracha is a ten month old who fell down a flight of stairs yesterday
- Yakov ben Sara
- Yakov ben Sara
- Yakov Chaim ben Shulamis Asirya
- Yechezkel Yehuda ben Chana Leah – just diagnosed with prostate cancer
- Yehonatan ben Malka. – Jonathan Pollard
- Yehoshua ben Abraham
- Yehoshua ben Chaya – a father of young children who has a disease
- Yehoshua Nosson ben Leah – He is 25, has 2 collapsed lungs and is on a respirator; asthma & pneumonia
- Yehoshua Tzvi ben Ita – a young father of two not doing well
- Yehoshua Yissochor Yosef ben Chaya Rifka – a 4 year old boy who is in a coma
- Yehuda Aryeh ben Henna Gellah
- Yehuda ben Bracha
- Yehuda ben Chashie Rachel – Suffering from Multiple Sclarosis – MS
- Yehuda ben Rachel
- Yehudah ben Faiga
- Yehudah Chaim ben Rochel
- Yehudah Moshe ben Sharon Roza
- Yehudah Tzvi ben Elishevah
- Yehudah Yitzchak Isaac ben Silka Frahdl
- Yehudis bas Chana Shifra (6 yrs old); victim of terror
- Yehudis bas Chana Sima
- Yehudis bas Feiga
- Yehudis bas Gittel
- Yehudis bas Golda
- Yehudis bas Rachel – a mother, of 14 children, who has been diagnosed with cancer.
- Yekusiel Yehudah ben Malka
- Yeshayahu Yitzchak ben Frida Malka
- Yeshua ben Masauda Lydia – her brother who was injured in an accident
- Yeshua Herschel ben Rivkah, nine year old who was seriously injured in the shooting attack in Hebron.
- Yetta Tzivia bas Bina grandparent who was in a serious car accident
- Yirmiyahu Micha’el ben Kayla – a young man recently engaged who is battling cancer
- Yisachar Dov ben Shoshanah Roza – a six yr old suffering from multiple burns, currently in ICU
- Yisroel Avraham ben Sara
- Yisroel Avrohom ben Mattil – 53 yrs old father victim of terror
- Yisroel ben Chaya – he has Parkinson’s and has now broken his hip
- Yisroel ben Devorah
- Yisroel ben Mindel
- Yisroel ben Pessa Rochel
- Yisroel Dovid ben Shaindel Pessel
- Yisroel Meir ben Rochel Henya a young baby with menegitis.
- Yisroel Meir ben Tova Chaya – a young boy who was in a car accident on his way to school.
- Yisroel Shimon ben Avraham
- Yisroel Tzvi ben Malka
- Yisroel Zalman ben Shoshana Chai
- Yittil bas Chana – a 42 year old recently diagnosed with breast cancer
- Yitzach Zvi ben Matya, 37 yr. old father of 3 who was seriously injured in the #6 bus bombing
- Yitzak Chaim ben Esther
- Yitzchak ben Chana – he has just discovered that he has a malignant tumor in his head.
- Yitzchak ben Ita Faiga
- Yitzchak ben Miriam – had open heart surgery on Wednesday
- Yitzchak ben Rivka – a young father recently diagnosed with cancer
- Yitzchak ben Shalbea
- Yitzchak Issac ben Raizel
- Yitzchok Dovid ben Yocheved
- Yitzchok Yehudah ben Hilda
- Yoav ben Chaya
- Yocheved bas Libe
- Yocheved Sharon bas Ruth an infant who is on a respirator and in need of tefilos.
- Yona bas Draizel
- Yonah bas Shirlee
- Yonina Chasya bas Sara – cancer
- Yosef ben Karena – colon cancer
- Yosef ben Orah Yittle – a very ill baby
- Yosef Chaim ben Simcha (HaRav Sitruk, Chief Rabbi of France) had a stroke.
- Yosef Eliyahu ben Malka Ita – the frum solider injured in Iraq
- Yosef Mendel ben Rhina Devorah – Jeff Seidel, the great tzaddik of Yerushalayim
- Yosef Zalman ben Shoshana – a 4 1/2 month old suffering with possible kidney failure
- Y’rachmiel Yacob ben Brina Liebe – in ICU
- Ysrael ben Miriam
- Yuri ben Miriam – he has lung cancer
- Zalmen Leib ben Raylah
- Zelda bas Chaya Elka
- Zelda Nechama bas Perele
- Zelig Yankel ben Yetta – suffered a stroke and has not regained consciousness yet
- Zev ben Sara Tzipora
- Zev ben Shifra
- Zeva bas Fayga Devorah – a new born baby with a serious heart defect
- Zissel bas Pessa Rochel
- Ziv Yitzchak ben Orna – 3 year old little boy who needs a biopsy for a growth on his face.
- Zvi ben Ghita
- Zvi ben Itta Feiga
- Zvi Hersh ben Layai
Please let us know of any change in patient’s status by e-mail to:

Ten Jews still being held in Iran:
- Asher ben Shaltnat
- Daniel ben Suryah
- Farhad ben Hamdam
- Farzad ben Aseret
- Nasser Yaacov Levi ben Poren
- Paramaz ben Aseret
- Ramon Farzam
- Ramon Namati
- Shahroch ben Shahnaz
- Yaakov ben Mohatram
Israeli MIA’s:
- Guy Chaim ben Rena
- Elchanan ben Rivka
- Ron ben Basya
- Tzvi ben Penina
- Yekutiel Yehuda Nachman ben Sara
- Zecharya Shlomo ben Miriyam