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Baruch Rofeh Cholim's activities are under the leadership and supervision of renown Torah leaders:

  • Maran, Harav Aryeh Leib Grosnass O.B.M., former Av Beit Din of London, steered Baruch Rofeh Cholim through its difficult birth pangs. His keen insight, warmth, and down-to-earth understanding of human needs will be sorely missed.
  • Harav Moshe Lipke, Rosh Kollel Y'kar Mordichai,Yerushalayim,  Talmud Muvok of Maran Rosh Yeshiva Harav Yisroel Zeev Gustman O.B.M. for over thirty years and Rosh Yeshiva Netzach Yisroel, Yerushalayim. Giving generously of his precious time, Rabbi Lipke is consulted on Baruch Rofeh Cholim's day to day decisions.
  • The Admor of Boston, Grand Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Horrowitz, member Council of Torah Sages and Presidium of Agudath Yisrael of America. Founder of ROFEH International, the first non-profit organization specializing in medical referral & family support services. e-mail: mosdosboston@iname.com
  • HaGaon Rav Chaim Pinchas Sheinberg, Rosh Yeshivah of Torah Ohr, Yerushalayim.
  • HaGaon Rabbi Zev Leff, Chief Rabbi of the Chashmonean area settlements and Rosh Yeshivahs Matisyahu.
  • Rabbi Rafael Grossman, Former Rabbi, Baron Hirsch Congregation, Memphis Tennessee, Past President of the Rabbinical Council of America, Chairman of the Board, Religious Zionists of America.
  • Rav Menachem Porush, former Member Knesset and head of the Agudah party in Israel.

  • Rabbi Elkanah Schwartz, Congregation Kol Isreal, Brooklyn, New York.